📍In our last medium article we introduced a major release that is key in the project development. Indeed, it integrates the first pillar of the Play To Earn concept: the NFTs.
Although the NFTs protocol is now integrated, it is not fully operational.
Why ? Because we are still on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet.
We need to migrate onto the Mainnet to let users mint and hold/sell NFTs for real.
This process has to been taken carefully as our NFTs are not only visuals to collect; they are real & useful assets for players in the revomon world.
The revomon NFTs will contain lot of information in order to be playable monsters for their owners.
NB: Mainnet release means also 💎🙌 & Collector hats airdrop to the eligible holders. Be patient, it will come. We target this to be completed by the end of the month, on the 30th September.
🌌NFT process — How it works ?
Find below a diagram explaining the process between:
- Binance Smart Chain
- Dapp (https://app-v2.revomon.io/non-fungible-tokens)
- A User
- The game server
1️⃣ Connect in game & catch a revomon!
At the current stage of the project, to get a Revomon you have to catch it in game. This revomon is stored in the game server database with the following stats:
- ID
- Nature
- Ability
- All the IVs (=Individual Values) that make your revomon different from another of the same species.
- Shiny
Later (30th October), users will be able to buy NFTs (= revomon or wearables) and convert them into playable revomon or wearables. This will allow non-VR users to get started with the Play To Earn.
More info will be communicated in due course.
2️⃣ User sends the mint request
The user connects to the Dapp v2 (to do so, he makes sure he is well on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet): https://app-v2.revomon.io/non-fungible-tokens and sends a request he wants to mint a revomon he caught into an NFT.
You can see here a Spydull converted into NFT (still on BSC TESTNET, see the MetaMask info).
3️⃣&4️⃣steps: Minting Process
A bit more technical here, there are two smart contracts & one minting server linked together in order to proceed the minting successfuly.
One smart contract is called RevoNFTUtils, this is the contract called by the user on the Dapp V2 once he hits the “minting” button.
✅Then, the mint server operates, it will:
- Scrap the requests sent by users.
- Check if users are well owning the revomon in the game.
- Send the info that NFTs have to be minted with users’ wallets info.
- Associate a JSON file gathering all the revomon’s stats.
Then, the second smart contract operates, it’s called RevoNFTContract.
This smart contract will receive an information that it has to mint a NFT based on a JSON file’s information.
The user receives their NFT and the information is broadcasted as well to the game server. This allows the game server to lock the revomon in the user’s account (in game) so that he cannot trade his revomon while keeping it as a NFT outside the game.
🎞Watch here a video tutorial on how to mint revomon NFTs on Binance Smart Chain Testnet:
You want more information on how to connect to binance smart chain testnet to mint your first revomon NFTs ever? Have a look in our previous article:
Revomon is a new metaverse where items and monsters are truly owned by its users. Community driven model. Revomon is a VR collectible game built on blockchain.
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