Playing for money and NFTs in particular is possible.
In the world of video games, players can now play to earn non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other tokens on the blockchain that can be traded and sold on decentralised platforms. The game behind the play-to-earn craze is called Axie Infinity: it allows players holding NFTs representing characters in the game to connect with a cryptocurrency wallet (such as MetaMask) to play and earn rewards in the form of utility tokens to upgrade characters.
An unprecedented craze
According to a report published by DappRadar in partnership with Blockchain Gaming Alliance (BGA) on April 20, blockchain-based games and Play-to-Earn have grown tremendously. The number of people playing them has risen by 2,000%. When did this start? It was in the first quarter of the previous year, in the middle of a global pandemic.
It is not only gamblers who are attracted to P2E platforms, but also investors who are looking for the best ways to make the most profit. As a result, in recent years the number of investors interested in this sector has also grown significantly.
Is this a growing sector?
There has been a craze for NFTs in the art world with Beeple, profile picture collectibles, Cryptopunk and Bored Apes and in the sports world. In the field of video games, although the emergence of this mode of play is very real and is based in particular on decentralised metavers such as The Sandbox, it should also be noted that some publishers, platforms and players are wary of NFTs and play-to-earn. Communities of play-to-earn players gather on Discord dedicated to these games and the first players are usually rewarded for their participation in improving the game or their role in marketing, even before the play-to-earn video game is available to the public.
Revomon and its community
In the case of Revomon, the community known as the Revoarmy is built around an online role-playing game (RPG) metaverse that combines an incredible and immersive mobile virtual reality/2D experience with revolutionary non-fungible token technology (NFT). This cross-platform synergy creates real value in a virtual world by taking advantage of highlighting.
With containment, players were able to socialise with each other through the game while hunting wild Revomon. Imagine the aforementioned Axie Infinity meets Pokémon Go, but in an initially fully immersive environment.
The game itself combines VR experiences such as grabbing, throwing, shooting, and moving freely with the disruptive innovations that are only possible through blockchain technology, such as ownership (NFTs), play to win, and community governance.
If P2E games are a huge success, it must be said that it is not only because of their specificities, but also and above all because of the integration of cryptocurrencies in their functioning. In practical terms, P2E has become even more attractive than the metaverse, according to many people. What’s more, with this system, software developers see a diversity of prospects for game design and development.
Can “Play-to-Earn” video games counteract the economic and political crisis?
The world is facing major economic and geopolitical crises. Revomon was originally conceived as a way to provide people in low-income/developing countries with a wage supplement to combat the problem. But what about the global crisis linked to the fall of bitcoin and the war?
The cryptocurrency market has long been seen as a lifeline to uncertain economic realities. Web 3.0 has opened up new horizons on the internet, and the games that come with it are growing and being adopted more and more. As we have already seen in the cryptocurrency markets, attention begets more attention. In the play-to-earn model, participants add value by playing and spending time in the game ecosystem. Games are no longer just about having fun, but about generating more and more revenue via a tight-knit and united community through the game itself and co-dependent platforms that allow players to bond & be in direct contact with the game creators such as Telegram, Discord, Twitter or even Instagram.
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Revomon is a new metaverse where items and monsters are owned by its users. Community driven model. Revomon is a VR collectible game built on blockchain, leader in its game category.
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