Revomon design process

3 min readMar 15, 2021


Throught this medium article, we show how is built the design process.

Revomon team benefits from a large network of contributors: designers, drawers, animators and influencers outside and inside the Virtual Reality community.
Indeed, thanks to our previous fan game, a large community has been built. This community supports us today (more info will come with the whitepaper, a hint exists in the pinned telegram group message).

Designer team:

Wiliam Cole: Drawer, 2D Designer and Game Designer.
Alberto Luviano: 3D Designer/Animator.
Michael Gatz: 3D Designer.

Revomon is inspired by 2 main universes: Zelda and Pokémon.
When you merge these creatures you create new ones: Revomon (revolution monsters).

Let’s have an overiew of the main steps from design to in game implementation.

Mockup creation 🎨

Our drawer creates a mockup based on his imagination and inputs from the graphical chart we agreed on. Several tests are carried out according to the needs (from the community or in game needs). As Revomon plans to be a community driven model, we imagine Revomon designs and names go through the Governance process (DAO votes).

This mockup will serve for several things:
- 3D design
- 3D animations
- Game synergies / Game design
- In game icon (menu etc)

Let’s take an example with the below Revomon, a starter one called Zorelle !

This mockup will be the guideline for our 3D designers.

3D Modeling ✍️

Our designers take the mockup and start creating a raw rendering 3D of the model.

3D Texturing 🔷

The designers apply colours to the model in accordance to the mockup.
The designers can modify the design layout if they think the model to export will be more adapted.

Note: Often, there are surprises between the textures applied via the tool and the integration of the models in the game using Unity3D (prefabs), that is why we will let the final decision to designers.

Once the 3D model is reworked with textures, Alberto launches the animation process.

3D Animation 🤖

Each time, the first animation that is worked out is the basic movement.
It means how the Revomon will react when nothing happen in the virtual world.
Literally, this is the moment when you encounter a wild Revomon !

Then, variations are made according to in game environment events.
5 behaviours exist for all Revomon:

1. Idle
2. Walk
3. Getting hit
4. KO
5. Attack

Integration of models into Revomon VR world 🏰

Reaching this step, all files are compiled and sent to our Dev team.
The files are integrated in Unity3D and exported to a test version.

The Revomon, Zorelle becomes alive !

If you manage to catch it, you will be able to turn it into a NFT. ✨
We will introduce this part in a next article.

To stay tuned of the latest news, follow us on:

Telegram Announcements:
Telegram General Discussion:
Website: Soon

Revomon Team 🤖




Written by Revomon

Join a new virtual game world where items and monsters are owned by its users. Revomon is a gaming studio developing games on blockchain.

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