The game’s development is progressing very quickly: we are now ready to enter the BETA phase of the project: meaning that we are moving on to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mainnet!✔️
Revomon users: “Wow, nice! But what does that mean exactly?”
Remember, we released the NFT protocol on BSC testnet in order to thoroughly test the contracts and interactions we created between them. During this period, we were able to track & fix the bugs that happened during the NFT process creation.
🙏Thank you to the community for being very diligent and helpful reporting bugs they saw!
Now, the NFT process is being migrated to the BSC mainnet, meaning that all NFTs minted will be tradeable between wallet owners and later, through a well known marketplace (partnership will be revealed soon!)
👀 Exclusive information:
To reward all the early players we have decided to provide a limited window of opportunity to be able to use the NFT protocol without any further requirements.
We will keep this the case until the 3rd week of October. From then on, we will introduce a Pay To Earn concept complementing the Play To Earn one. This is key to funding player rewards for a sustainable Play To Earn ecosystem.
TLDR: by the end of October (TBA), players will need a R3V-UP, a specific revomon which will enable you to mint NFTs on the Dapp
📋Revomon Alpha game version 1.3 — CHANGELOG
▶️Entering Beta version: Complete wipe of the database
We are now entering the Beta period of the game. This choice coincided with the NFT protocol mainnet release, which will allow us to start the 1st pillar of the Revomon project: the Play To Earn aspect. Players will be now able to catch revomon, turn them into NFTs and trade between players or marketplaces.
The wipe affects:
- The revomon owned by players in the game (inventory, revopc & team)
- The revodollars (Please note this is in-game currency, not to be confused with your $REVO wallet)
- The NFTs on testnet
▶️Modification of the spawner mechanic
As the NFT protocol is now migrated on the mainnet we needed to balance the spawner to keep the rarity aspect of the legendaries & shinies.
The spawner currently works as following: each time a revomon is defeated on the map, an algorithm will randomly select a new revomon to spawn based on it’s rarity. The issue is when you have two players grinding on a map, the spawner will generate two times more frequently, meaning the odds to make a legendary appear are essentially twice what it should be.
All Revomon:
To solve this issue, the spawning algorithm has been amended
Pm x 1/1000 = % of odds to make a legendary spawning
Pm= Number of players present on the map
1/1000= Odd to make spawn a legendary
Shiny Revomon:
The odds to find one has been multiplied per two, you have now 1/8,192 odds.
▶️Security improvement: Login keyboard reworked to cater for increased security.
▶️Adding 7 new revomon
Dominevo |type: time
Drakevo |type: draconic
Loftevo |type: sky
Twilevo |type: twilight
Venturevo |type: neutral
Hauntevo |type: phantom
R3V-UP |type: metal-electric
NB: R3V-UP is not yet available for players. By the end of October, R3V-UP will be needed to be able to convert revomon into NFTs. Until then, early beta players can enjoy NFT minting with no requirement.
Stay tuned, an article with all the information on this topic will be published in due time.
👾NFT Protocol setup — MAINNET
Now, the only information to keep in mind, is you need to connect to Binance Smart Chain network to run the operations.
1️⃣: visit & login
2️⃣: connect your metamask or trustwallet to Binance Smart Chain.
Add the following information in the fields;
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
3️⃣: Enjoy all the blockchain features currently available on Revomon (NFTs and soon NFT marketplace).
Diamond Hands, Bull Hat & Early Cap Supporter NFTs AIRDROP
Revomon NFTs contract address: 0xee35ab1effe4db2344348e3a98a6ef2687f43392
The date is scheduled for the 30th of September at 7pm UTC time or earlier.
You will receive the NFTs directly in your wallet (BSC network).
Eligible 2800 members (💎🙌)
This was an event for all $REVO holders between 10 May 2021 (tomorrow) and 01 July 2021
Eligible 290 members (🎩🐮)
This was a compensation for all the early supporters who have not got a slot during the private sale.
🌈DAPP — Changelog
What’s new ?
- Dapp global optimisation: (security, smoother and faster loading of the resources).
- NFT Cosmetic integration.
- Revodex version 1 integration.
- Search bar tool + pagination.
- New menu to manage the Dapp theme & the compact mode.
- Reset password feature integration.
- Password reinforcement (Shift, Lowercase, Digit and Special character available).
- General bug fixing.
Discover the Dapp update here:
Revomon is a new virtual game world where items and monsters are owned by its users. Community driven model. Revomon is a VR collectible game built on blockchain.
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