Revomon — 2.2.0 Game Update

6 min readAug 31, 2022


⭐️It’s time to update Revomon⭐️

▶️ VR users (SideQuest):
▶️ VR users (others): Hit the “other devices” button on
▶️ Android users (smartphone):

Each month, we give an update on the progress of the project and especially, a highlight of the changelog. Before entering these details, here is a small state of play about the project! 👇

Like you, we are subject to market conditions that remain uncertain. Economic and geopolitical trends are unstable. Possible recession, shortage of raw materials (fuel, gas, wheat…), inflation reaching 2008 records, rising interest rates, US-China/Russia tensions: all these events put together trigger a precautionary attitude among professional and private investors so that their investment profiles have become less aggressive. As a result, risky assets (stocks/crypto..) are being shifted to less risky assets (bonds, currencies) and that’s why almost the entire GameFi/Metaverse market has dropped by an average of -90% over the past 6 months.

Don’t worry, despite these cyclical events, Revomon is here to stay, we have the funds to carry out the first vision presented by Revomon at our ICO in 2021. Thanks to our new roadmap, we’re setting the pace for the project and preparing our second round of funding which will allow us to start the second major phase of the project: Open-World based on a new economic layer: the lands (digital plots).

The main focus now is to #build to show how great the Revomon ecosystem is once the market recovers. #buildandbuild

📋Revomon Beta game version 2.2.0 — CHANGELOG

This new game version is mainly focused on optimisation, a new in game mechanic and a new map.

▶️ Victory Island; a new map gathering social & competitive aspects together !

Victory Island

The Victory Island is a medium-sized map accessible from City 1 (Drassius City; where you spawn as new player). The purpose is to offer a place to meet, socialise and interact with others all in a chill ambiance. You want to meet other players ? You go to the Victory Island !

🥇,🥈or🥉? Which position are you going to climb and hold for the most time during a week ? The Victory Island has a Victory Podium in which players can climb and rank in PVP battles. It’s a new #playandearn mechanic. If you hold a position on the podium, an IA will play your character against brave heroes trying to steal your place while you’re away.

How the Victory Podium is working ?
To be ranked among the top 3 players and earn a reward, you will need to hold your position as much time as possible during a week. Your character’s cumulative time on the podium position is recorded and then added up to define who will be selected for position 3, 2 and 1 at the end of the week.

Reward distribution
1000 $REVO/month (250 $REVO/week) is the planned reward based on the following payout structure:

A dedicated page on the Dapp is added.

▶️ New requirement for ranked PVP (top 15):

We strenghtened the rules on the current PVP P2E feature.
1. Your account’s total playtime must be over 5 hours.
2. The algorithm will only select you to start a fight if you have 6 Revomon in your team.

▶️ Avatar animation for mobile users

▶️ Mobile version; the camera can be moved around the player

▶️ EVs update: Soleel/Doubeel/Triplydra will now give EV HP instead of EV ATK during a wild battle

▶️ The following moves have been fixed:
- ‘Strength Sap’
- ‘Encore’; opponent can now switch out
- Move ‘Venom Drench’
- Move ‘Play Rough’; secondary effect correctly applied

▶️ Miscellaneous Bug Fix:
During a double KO leading to the end of a fight, the 1st fighter falling KO is correctly counted as the loser.
- Revomon not disappearing from the world map in some cases when the owner disconnect.
- In some cases, being disconnected from the game while battling may prevent you from logging back in.
- Item ‘Unevolve Stone’ can be looted again.
- The Fruity’s real name is displayed correctly in the battle log.
- Using ‘Full PP Aid’ from bag.
- The player menu resets correctly when a player is disconnected from the game server.
- The battle menu correctly appears when starting a PVP battle while flipping through your PC.
- You can now close your team when using the move ‘U Turn’ after one of your Revomon fainted.

💫 New Booster Packs: The 3 first limited Costumes

The best $REVO supporters (cf veteran with💎🙌 , elite & master tiers) already received the Craggon Crane & the Azuroon Helmet: Completing the remaining items will be easier for you as the helmets are the most difficult part to get in the booster algorithm ! Wearing the full set will boost your catching rate up to 5% (during the catching event using your orbs).

These booster packs are limited and will replace the starters themed ones available in the Revo Store:

🔶 Binance Gas Fee Incentive Program

We have been contacted by the Growth and Operations department from Binance to join this program in order to reward projects building in the BNBChain ecosystem. We accepted the invitation; the Binance team will look closely at our smart contracts to evaluate our on-chain activities during September and October.

Depending on the activity, meaning the number of events (transactions) made on the different smart contracts interacting with the BNBChain network, the Revomon community can receive up to 0% fees during their operations. The current smart contracts registered are the following:

  • Staking
  • Eggomon farming
  • Booster Packs
  • Revo Marketplace (as soon as available)

We cannot disclose more about the target DAUs to reach as it has to be organic and during the project’s usual operations in order to convey a coherent and fair picture of the project’s activity.

⚔️ Global PVP tournament & PVP events hosted by RevoLeague

We started to animate the server with different PVP events and it has been a great success!

We plan to keep these activities with at least 2 events in a month. These events are sponsored by Revomon team members themselves or by active community contributors. Expect to see nice prize pool for the winners such as: $REVO, VR Headsets, VR accessories, Smartphones, Gift Cards.

We also take avantage from this article to welcome Revomast as the new CM for the French Community👏

🎤 Dubai Metaweek panel sponsored by Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA)

Can Blockchain Technology be a Game Mechanic ?

This is the theme in which our Revomon CEO & Co-founder, Jordan Ietri, will discuss with other speakers. As Revomon is part of the BGA, it’s nice to see how networking can lead to opportunities with such a gratifying and grateful invitation.




Join a new virtual game world where items and monsters are owned by its users. Revomon is a VR collectible game built on blockchain.